We are the families, friends, and supporters of persons affected by sABI. We have established the AN SAOL FOUNDATION CLG and the AN SAOL PILOT PROJECT to change the hearts and minds of society to support survivors of sABI, and their families, so that they can live their life to the fullest.
AN SAOL Foundation CLG is a non-profit organisation. Registered in Ireland 553113 – Annual Accounts
Contact Us
Office Address:
An Saol Foundation Neurological Rehabilitation Day Centre
7 Airvista Office Park,
Santry, Dublin 9, D09 YX84
Phone Number:
Office: Tel. (01) 862 2716
Email Address:
Follow Us
An Saol Foundation CLG is a non-profit organization registered in Ireland Company Number: 553113.
Registered Charity Number: 20149796
Revenue Commissioners number: CHY21684.
Registered Office: 7 Airvista Office Park, Santry, Dublin 9, D09 XY84
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Your contact information will be kept completely private and not shared with any other resource.
We are so grateful for your assistance.
Please note, a special committee has been set up to coordinate the fundraising efforts and to administer all funding raised.
Or make a donation to:
AN SAOL Foundation, Bank of Ireland, Dundrum
Account Number: 24069352
Sort Code: 901095
IBAN: IE98 BOFI 9010 9524 0693 52