The project will be scientifically evaluated by rehabilitation scientist from the University of Munich and other GB/IRL Universities to be determined.
Due to the low number of participants and lack of control group in this proof-of-principle project, no group statistics or group comparisons are advisable. Instead, success of the long-term neuro-rehabilitation approach will be determined based on reaching patient-centred individual goals.
The Goal-Attainment Scale (GAS) (Turner-Stokes 2009) will be used to identify and describe these goals at the beginning of the rehabilitation intervention and from thereon in 3-monthly intervals. At the end of such a 3 month period, the degree of goal attainment will be determined and new goals will be set.
Goal setting will take place after careful patient evaluation by the specialised treatment team and will also take into account the point of view of the closest relatives. The international classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) by the WHO will be used as the theoretical construct of goal-setting and ICF core sets for brain injured patients will be used to describe changes in the overall patients ́ health status (Stucki et al. 2002). The following table provides an overview of the different outcome domains and assessment that will be evaluated.
Table: Outcome domains and assessments to be used for longitudinal analysis of health status
Improvement in QOL is a major outcome factor
Analysis of limitations of participation in social and work life are important to understand effects of brain injury on patients ́ lives.
Scientifically proven way to make individual rehabilitation goals comparable and measurable
It is important to acknowledge the role and the strains of family caregivers
Activities of daily living (ADL)
It is a long-term rehabilitation goal to increase independence in ADLs
Limitation in health status
ICF core set for postacute brain injury
The ICF framework is suitable to measure health limitations at different time points in order to show changes in health status
Level of consciousness (LOC)
Many patients suffer from disorders of consciousness ranging at the beginning from unresponsive wakefulness to minimally conscious or confusional states.
It is important to have reliable and impartial assessments of the health status and rehabilitation course of the individual patients. To achieve this, independent study personnel from one of the participating universities will perform the assessments on site in Dublin at the beginning of rehabilitation and in 3 months intervals thereafter until the final pilot project assessment after 3 years. Study data will be entered into an online case-report-form (eCRF) and analysed by the University of Munich. Before patient recruitment, the appropriate institutional review board will be consulted and ethical approval will be obtained.